教育 | |
39T70 1p−40 先生が みんなに平等 無理な事 公正ならば 子供も理解 Even though it’s not easy For a teacher to treat Everyone equally fair Children can understand If one is just |
@T160 ちょつとだけ 校側破り 己出す ルーズソックス ダボダボズボン★918 Ever so slightly At school Break away from the others Loose socks Baggy trousers |
hT175 教育で 自由を教える その時は 義務も教えて 人のあり方985 When teaching People to be Free Teach also Duty |
pT190 小学校 偉い人をば 見習えと 今の偉い人 誰を指すやら9822 In elementary school you are told ”Follow the example Of the bright people.” Today’s shining examples.... Who can point them out? |
pT192 命をば 教える基本 花や蝶 育ててみてぞ 子供育つ 9822 Show children Butterflies and flowers To teach them About life |
T196 科学のみ 教えることが 学問と 人間学が 学問始め9822 Teaching science alone Is considered Learning The importance of loving peopleIs the foundation of all learning |
hT229 教育者 先生様と おだてられ 子供相手で 世間音痴に 91222 Teacher Being called ”sensei−sama” By your pupils Is uplifting Though you’re tone deaf (社会が解らぬ人) |
¥T253 教育は クローン人間 作りたる 独裁者には 大喜びか95.8★ The education system Is producing clones..... Dictators must be exstatic! |
37 T289 1p−36 習うでは 解ったつもりの 浅知恵で 行ってこそ 真理を習う5,15,98 教育 In terms of learning What you think you know Is just a sliver of wisdomy doing you discover The whole truth |
28 T311 1p−8 幼子は 大人の助けで 育つ者 手を貸しすぎて 自ら立たぬ 9,20,98 教育 Youngsters Grow up through The assistance of adults But if carried too far Cannot stand on their own |
58T319 2p−26 興味ない 知識を覚え 優等生 主張が無くて 希望が沸かぬ 28,9,98 Top students disinterestedly absorb facts and figures Their lack of insistence leavesme feeling hopeless |
40T326 1p−43 何知らぬ 子供 母親 相手では 井戸の中では 先生様よ 10,1,98 Know−nothing children and mothers(parrents) Their horizons narrowly drawn Seek guidance from above:Honorable teachers |
T355 1p−37 教師とは 育師も兼ねて 教育者 知識だけなら 辞書で十分2,2、99 教育 Teaching and rearing Together define An educator If data is all you seek Consult the dictionary |
43T358 1p−48 従順な 国民性は 恐ろしい 指導者により 軍国主義に A submissive national character is dangerous Since it must rely on militaristic leaders |
35T373 1p−35 人の世は 誰も彼もが 混ざり合い 理解深まり 互いを見とむ1,23,99 This world Anyone and everyone Blend and mingle Understanding grows Respect for one another |
38 T374 1p−35 縦割りの 世界が作る 不信感 疑心暗鬼が 相手を非難2,19,99 A world built of slivers Is fraught with distrust Suspicion feeds on itselfThe others are to blame |
44T376 1p−48 良い子とは 周囲の意見に 従う子 修行のためと カルトに入信 ”Good” kids Their beliefs handed to them Turn to cults to practice asceticism |
24T425 *** 112 教授とは 研究課題の 評価より 出身校で 序列が決まる 3,16,99 Research,investigate,argue Sweat,strive,succeed In the end it’s insignificant Come right in, move right up I see you’ve been to Todai! or Alma mater Confers status Not the soundness Of the thesis |
62T443 2p−33 憧れて 専門学校 来てみれば 技術は愚か 就職もなし Aspirations of professional study met Only for dreams of employment To be shattered by Inadequacy |
34 T461 1p−32 人権を 学習するは 中学までに 人の基本が 義務教育 3,22,99教育 Compulsory education should include Studying what it means to be human |
48T461 1p−55 人権を 学ぶことなら 中学までに 人の基本が 義務教育 3,22,99教育 Compulsory middle school education Ought to include coursework On how to be human |
T465 2p−59 修士様 博士様 金と時間と コネがなければ 無駄なことかも 3,22,99教育 Endeavoring to be A master or doctor Is fruitless without Money,time and Connections |
T480 1p−38 虐められ 自殺者でても 学校は 知らなかったで すませる日本 The suicide Had been bullied The school Had been unaware Hither Japan |
20 T491 2p−32 豪華本 専門学校 案内書 学生だまされ 人生台無し Deluxe guides for Professional schools Fool the students Ruining lives |
46 T492 1p−28 勉強が 出来ないならば 好きな道 見つけだせれば 必ず勝てる3,26,99 Those who study finds wanting Will surely succeed If they carve out A road for themselves |
T497 1p−26 学校は 暗記が出来ず 落ちこぼれ 人間評価の 基準が違う 3,30,99教育 Is school Those who can’t memorize Are failures The standard for Human utility |
29 T516 1p−7 幼子は 大人のまねで 学習し 教えるよりも 出来るまで待つ Young children learn By imitating grown−ups Rather than pushing them Lead by example They’ll catch on soon enough |
19 T520 2p−31 学問は 興味があれば 楽しきも 受験のためで 苦痛伴う5,9,99 教育 Learning Which enthralls Is undertaken with pleasureWhich demands obedience Is suffered through |
21 T531 2p−36 教わるは 過去の知識を 習うこと 未知の未来は 自分で学ぶ Learning is Being taught That which is known The unknown future Must be studied by oneself |
69T532 2p−69 小企業 社員一丸 助け合う 仲間がいれば 達成できる Workers at small companies stick together Comradeship makes anything possible |
T539 1p−3 誰とでも 仲良くできる 幼子に 大人の教えが 垣根を作る3,20,99教育 Those young children Who make friends With ease Adults are teaching To build fences |
T547 1p−46 先生は 春夏冬の 休日を 生徒を忘れて 優雅に過ごす Spring,summer,winter Three holidays Teachers In refined bliss Free from students |
42T549 1p−47 学問は 過去の知識を 学ぶ事 未来の教えは 今を知らねば The study of the past is thought to be learning But what the future will teach is happening now |
45T551 1p−56 平等は すべての人に 無理なこと 多種多様が 人の基本 Equality for everyone ? Impossible! ”Many kinds,many ways” Fundamental truth |
47T556 1p−27 落ちこぼれ 暗記の勉強 だけなのに 全ての道を閉ざす社会 Those who fail In a system based on Memorization Find their paths Into society Barricaded |
72* T557 教えるを 義務とは大人のおごり 自立させるが 教育か To say teaching is a ”duty”is arrogant Education is letting them stand on their own two feet |
T563 1p−41 先生を 聖職扱い あがめれば 悩みもいえず 一人苦しむ Revere your teacher As you would A holy man And damn him To suffer in silence |
T566 1p−57 平等を うたい文句の 文部省 画一化とは 違うことでは The Ministry of Education Is using ”Equality” As a slogan. Is that different from ”Standardization”? or In the name of Equality The Ministry of Education is Standardizing. Is that our goal? |
0 T558 1p−54 勉強中心 義務教育 人間教育基本にせねば Study−centered Educational system Better to focus on Teaching how to become Human beings |
T567 2p−4 大学入試を パソコン持ち込み 可とすれば 真の教育 ほどこせるかも If personal computers Could be used during College entrance exams Then afterward we could Get down to some real learning |
T570 ○2p08 純真な 乙女が目指す ナイチンゲール 現実は(人につくすは) 過酷な世界 Innocent young woman Imagine themselves Nightingales Reality,the Hawk Strikes |
T573 ○2p12 世界に 認められる 日本人 外国留学 した人ばかり Japanese With a global outlook Have studied overseas 日本では 世界に通じる 国際人 海外留学 経験者 |
T575 2p11 日本人 単語文法 暗記して 本は読んでも 意見が言えず Japanese people learn well their rules of grammar They can read books but can’t express their opinions |
T577 ○2p12 外国は 言葉違えば 習慣違う 価値の違いが 国の違い Foreign countries Languages Customs Values Differ Unique |
T581 2p−27 高校は 大学入試の 予備校に 試験のための 国家教育 Our national education policy.... High schools are nothing but Prep schools for college |
18 T583 2p−28 回り道 道草の中に 体験が 時間かければ 追いつけるもの Choose the detour Loiter about on your way Even though you take your time Catching up won’t be a problem |
66 T601 基礎研究 政府評価は してくれず 応用研究 企業が金に Government doesn’t think much of basic research Business will pay well for it but takes all the credit |
23T607 2p−60 幾十年 同じ事のみ 教えては 活力消えて 辞書先生 Decade upon decade Teach the same lessons Over and over Vitality evaporates Ancient dictionary |
67T608 2p−62 老害が はびこりたるか 象牙の塔 研究せぬ人 教授を辞めろ Ivory tower elders are having a bad effect on young scholars Unable to research they forsake the world of academ |
68T611 2p−61 生徒には 努力をしろと 指導して 希望を持たぬ 先生様か Teachers who themselves lack desire Striving to guide their charges |
T622 1p−44 先生業 出るにでられぬ ぬるま湯に 飼い慣らされて 覇気も失う Teaching profession: You want to warm this tepid bath But in growing accustomed to it You’ve neglected the fire |
49 T625 2p−5 高校生 友達作りは この時期に 一生の友は 人生の宝 High school years are for making friends Lifelong friends are a priceless treasure |
T633 2p−23 外国語 文体通り 理解する 日本文に 直すと難解 A Foreign language Is best understood In its native state Translation renders it Incomprehensible |
T687 2p−93 受験とは 無限の知識 暗記する 合格したら 辞書にすぎず Entrance exams: Limitless knowledge Learned by rote. Pass and you become No better than a dictionary. |